“DLP” is the name for the ongoing Digital Library Program initiative which includes the repository technology as well as broader policy and operational concerns. DLP was also a department name within the Library Technology & Digital Strategies Division, but it was re-organized in 2018 to become part of the Digital Product Strategy team.
CorCor (Latin for “heart”, inspired by the Emory motto: “the wise heart seeks knowledge”) is the internal name for the Emory Preservation Repository platform built as part of the larger DLP project. Corincludes multiple, inter-related software applications based on the Samvera (previously known as Hydra) digital repository technology framework.
The Cor product suite will ultimately contain three distinct user facing applications:
- 1. Curate: library staff application supporting management, preservation, and ingest
- 2. Lux: consumer/front-end application providing search, discovery, and delivery
- 3. Self-Deposit:provides expandedmediated submission functionality provides expanded mediated submission functionality and additional submission workflows for campus submitters
What do you mean by “user facing products”?
We prioritized our work around the top 5 initial collections identified by the Digital Collections Steering Committee. The top 5 Phase 1 collections approved included digitized books and still images. Additionally, there are enhancements in development for audiovisual material in the Samvera and IIIF technical communities that we want to wait for, to avoid having to re-process material. By the time we release v.1 for the repository, we anticipate these enhancements will be complete. Disk images that do not contain Restricted Data will be queued for migration like other types of materials: we are working to develop a strategy for accommodating disk images and other material which may contain sensitive/restricted data based on Emory LITS security requirements.