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The Digital Library Program has developed through multiple project phases:

  • Phase 1: Planning and Discovery (2016 - 2018)
  • Phase 2: Technical Design (2018)
  • Phase 3: Implementation (2019 – 2020)

Cor (Latin for “heart”, inspired by the Emory motto: “the wise heart seeks knowledge”) is the internal name for the Emory Preservation Repository platform currently in development. Cor will include multiple, inter-related software applications based on the Samvera (previously known as Hydra) digital repository technology framework.


  1. Discovery/Front-End (Lux): a customized Blacklight-based application which provides discovery and delivery of Emory repository assets to the Emory community and greater research community
  2. Staff Curation and Preservation (Curate): a customized Hyrax-based Library Staff curation tool providing specialized ingest, management and preservation of Emory repository digital assets
  3. Self Deposit: a customized Hyrax-based mediated submission tool supporting multiple deposit workflows for campus content creators and submitters

The first phase of implementation will produce version 1 features for the Curate and Lux products (the Self Deposit application will be developed in a future project phase). Cor products will continue to receive enhancements and new feature development over time as we continue to migrate additional content and integrate with additional systems.

Curate Product Development

The Curate product is being developed incrementally using a Scrum process. The development team completed Release 0.1: Environments Setup in early April. This release provisioned interim development, QA, and production Amazon Web Hosting (AWS) environments with Samvera framework components installed. Preliminary Shibboleth integration was also established. We are also consulting with the AWS@Emory team to inform selection of  the the DLP’s long-term hosting infrastructure.


Members of the DLP project team (Rosalyn Metz and Collin Brittle) are contributing to development of distributed digital preservation efforts in the community. Emory use cases identified in the Discovery Phase are being shared as part of this work. Beyond the Repository: Integrating Local Preservation Systems with National Distribution Services extends an IMLS planning grant originally funded in 2016, and will develop a shared BagIt profile and accompanying API to facilitate data exchange between local repositories and preservation service providers. The One to Many: Preserving Local Repository Content in Distributed Digital Preservation Systems grant, funded by Mellon,  also also focuses on the goal of interoperability and exchange of material between repositories, leveraging expertise from the Samvera community and Oxford Common Filesystem Layout (OCFL) specification team.
