Visit your Training Site address:
...to enter the credentials below. This will log you into your training site.
First, you will need to get through HTTP authentication. This is a way to secure your site while under development. HTTP authentication will appear as a pop-up in your browser.
Username: emorydev
Once past the HTTP authentication, you will complete the Drupal login form with the training login. This login allows you to work in the training site as a Content Editor. You will of course have your own login credentials for the production website.
Username: Content Editor
When you are logged in you see a black administration toolbar at the top of the page. You will also notice you have been redirected to your user account section featuring the Moderation Dashboard. If you click on your username (top right), options related to your user account appear in the white submenu beneath the black toolbar. When working on the site, you can click on your username in the top right corner at any time to return to your account submenu options.
Moderation Dashboard
By default, whenever you log in you will be directed to your Moderation Dashboard. This provides a top-level view of the website activities that are important to you. You can return to the dashboard at any time by navigating to your user account name in the black toolbar and then clickingModeration clicking Moderation Dashboard in the submenu.
Your User profile