Summary: How to find, edit and delete content.
Your instructor will demo managing content on your site.
- How to find content with filter and sort options.
- How to find a specific piece of content by title.
- How to act on multiple content items in bulk.
- Accessing the list of uploaded Files and the Media library.
2.7.1 Instructor Demo: Manage content
- From the administrative Toolbar, click Content. This will display a list of all content on your website.
- At the top of the list in the blue header, Observe the links that allow you to change the display from all Content to all Files or Media.
- Returning to the Content display, notice the links under the blue header. These allow you to change the Content display to see Moderated and Scheduled content.
- For any content in the list, you can explore editing options by clicking that item’s Edit button.
- Return to the Content list and click on the Title of any content in the list to view the published item.