
Articles+ is our discovery tool for searching for article content and other scholarly publications across Emory Libraries’ databases and open-access repositories. Users can easily filter results to target peer-reviewed journals, open access content, or content immediately available in full text.

 Articles+ is an ExLibris product. The front-end interface is PrimoVE and the underlying index is the Central Discovery Index (CDI). CDI is a central, unified index for scholarly and academic material worldwide. It contains over 5 billion records and many different resource types from thousands of publishers, aggregators, and repositories. It prioritizes displaying results where full text is available based on a library's subscriptions.


Accessing Articles+:


Program Manager: Tricia Clayton


Associated stakeholder groups: Library Search Committee

From the charter: The Library Search Committee, in collaboration with Emory’s libraries' other committees and Communities of Practice (COPs), is responsible for the design, continual improvement, and maintenance of discovery systems for Emory’s libraries. The group’s primary focus is on the Library Search tool (Blacklight) and its primary integrations including Alma, PrimoVE/Articles+, etc., and its dependencies with related systems including Ares, ILLiad, etc. This group continues the work started by the discoverE Advisory Group and the SEND Team for Phase 1 of the Library Search project.  

The Library Search Committee comprises chairs from designated governance groups that have a direct impact on the Library Search tool. Committees and COPs that are represented are: Access Services Policy Committee, Interlibrary Loan COP, Acquisitions COP, Instruction Steering Committee, Circulation COP, Course Reserves COP, CATACOM, Collections Steering Committee, Archival Metadata Committee, and User Services COP.   

Library Search Committee Charter (EUL Sharepoint)

Library Search Committee Folder (EUL Sharepoint)


Requesting enhancements:
Use the Library Search Enhancement Request Repository to view and request enhancements. While this is primarily the mechanism for requesting enhancements to Library Search, it can be used for Articles+ as well.

Some enhancement requests - those outside of Emory’s customization control - will need to go through the ExLibris enhancement process for PrimoVE. Consult the Program Manager for assistance in making this determination. ExLibris has two separate but related processes for handing enhancement requests from users. One is the formal enhancement request and annual voting process. The second is the ExLibris Ideas Exchange, which an informal process open to any user to make suggestions and vote.


Help and end user documentation:


Testing environments: