Repository Management User Profile - Collection Manager

Prepared by: Management FRG

Last Revised: Jan 2018

Status: Final

Reviewed by: Deposit FRG, Core Team

Approved by: DLP Steering

Demographics/User Characteristics

  • Familiar with repository concepts and standards
  • Familiar with repository product interfaces
  • Familiar with collections’ content, users, and workflows
  • Familiar with Descriptive Metadata practices
  • Familiar with original source material
  • Familiar with the mission of digital libraries and institutional repositories

Frequency of Repository Use

  • Daily to Weekly

General Motivators/Goals

  • Managing one or more collections that have been ingested into the repository
  • Monitoring access to, and usage of, the collection
  • Awareness of activity within a collection (additions, deletions, problems)
  • Generating statistics and reports related to inventory, staff activity, and usage of collection content
  • Promoting the collection to users
  • Coordinating troubleshooting related to the collection’s content

Key Repository Management Tasks

  • Provides oversight for one or more collections, or an administrative set of an individual Library's collections in the repository
  • Manages user and access permissions for collections and content
  • Maintains collection-level metadata and branding such as thumbnails or banners
  • Coordinates collection ingests
  • Coordinates with depositors to maintain content (metadata, files, access)
  • Runs reports related to Collection-level assessment
  • Works with collection stewards and content owners to coordinate long term usage of collection material
  • Assists with system workflow approvals
  • Monitors/runs reports on individual staff users' activity 

Repository Content/Information Desired

  • Workflow status dashboard
  • User management dashboard/interface
  • Staff activity and processing reports
  • Collection inventory/statistics reports
  • Storage utilization reports
  • Access controls for Collection visibility
  • Metadata management for Collection information

Library/Unit Interactions

  • Typically affiliated with a single Library
  • Works with Repository Engineers and Administrator to enhance repository services
  • May collaborate with other Libraries’ Collection Managers
  • May monitor work performed by Content Curators, Metadata Specialists, and Metadata Editors
  • Works with Exhibitions/Communications staff to distribute content