ArchivesSpace is backed up daily by Lyrasis. These backups are stored for 1 month. Emory retrieves a monthly backup on the first or second of each month, which are stored in AWS S3 storage.
If there is a need to restore a backup copy, the product owner should first be contacted. Upon approval from the product owner, LTDS system administrators will retrieve a copy of the .sql file from AWS S3 storage and transmit it to Lyrasis via their secure file transfer application. An additional email will need to be sent to requesting a restore of that backup to the desired environment. In almost all cases, backups will only be applied to the test environment.
Emory also currently maintains a backup copy of legacy data from EmoryFindingAids captured in August 2023. These files will be deleted in August 2026.
For more information about retention and restoration for ArchivesSpace data, see the data retention and restoration policy.