Client / printing installation and set up
To install or update the Aeon client:
Download the Client installer. All installer files are password protected and must be downloaded from Atlas. LTDS keeps a current copy of the installer files in Sharepoint. Be sure you have the most-up-to-date version not labeled as Test.
Select a Client install method. Choose the "per machine" option, which will require admin privileges on the machine
Complete the remaining steps. Users must have a username/password to complete the process. See below for associating the client with the appropriate database files and setting up credentials.
Full instructions are located here:
To set the appropriate database file with the client:
The appropriate .dbc files should be downloaded with the client. After installation, you will need to select the appropriate DBC file and associate it with the client. To do this:
Make sure the appropriate .dbc file is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Aeon
Production files
Rose: MARBLEUprod
Health: HEALTHEUprod
Law: LAWEUprod
Oxford: OXFORDEUprod
all repositories (Product owner / LTDS only): aeon_prod
Test files
Health: EmorySB_HEALTHEU
Law: EmorySB_LAWEU
Oxford: EmorySB_OXFORDEU
all repositories (Product owner / LTDS only): aeon_test
Open the SQL Alias Manager. Right-click on the application and "run as adminstrator". Either create a new dbc file (new) or open a dbc file (existing). Click on "set default (local machine)" to choose a default dbc file.
Full instructions are available here:
To add a new staff user:
Generally, user accounts are created and managed by the individual library service owners.
The username should match the user's Shib login.
Add a description that indicates the library and role (staff/student)
Use the staff layout template
Give user permissions: client access, can access addons by default. Other permissions should be added only with the permission of the Library's Service Owner.
To configure printing:
Follow the steps outlined in the printer configuration document linked above. The user MUST have read/write access to F:\MARBL\Aeon\Print, which holds the printing templates. Aeon may only be used on campus or when on the VPN proxy (not VPN).
Install the 3 of 9 Barcode font. The 3 of 9 barcode font MUST be installed to print Aeon print templates. The file can be downloaded from the Aeon downloads page (see 3 of 9 barcode font)
Printing is currently experiencing some quirkiness due to newer versions within Microsoft products. If you are unable to print, or receive error messages when printing, refer to the documentation here: