Local standards documentation: events
Event records describe an action involving a specific object in the archival repository and an event. Events represent a specific action that one or more agents undertook in relation to one or more archival objects at a specific date and time (or in a range of dates and times). At Emory University, the following event types are in use:
For accessioning activities:
Acknowledgement Received
Acknowledgement Sent
Agreement Received
Agreement Sent
Agreement Signed
Custody transfer
For cataloging and processing activities:
Processing started
Processing completed
Processing in progress
Processing New
For conservation and preservation activities:
Condition assessment
Conservation treatment
For other activities:
Copyright transfer
Creating an Event record
Find the record to which you would like to add an event. These can be resources/collections, digital objects, accession records, or digital objects. You must be in edit mode to add an event. At the top of the record, click “Add Event”. Select the type of event from the dropdown menu and click “Add event”.
You will see the following screen:
The event type will be pre-populated for you and may be changed on this screen if needed. Required fields for events are:
Type: select from dropdown menu
Event date/time
Date/Time specifier is supplied as UTC Timestamp
UTC Timestamp: enter the date as YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 2023-08-15)
Agent links
Select a role that describes what function the agent has in regards to the event.
Select the name of the agent who completed the event. For events performed by Emory staff/archivists, use the dropdown to browse for the agent. In most cases, you will not need to create a new agent because the agent performing the work should have an ArchivesSpace account (and by default, an agent record in ArchivesSpace)
Record links
Select a role. In most cases source (meaning that the event was performed on that resource) is appropriate.
Record information should be prepopulated with the name of the record you began with.
External documents
Attach external documentation if you have it. Note that documentation must be stored and maintained in an external system. ArchivesSpace simply links to the documentation source.
Title: assign an appropriate title that distinguishes the activity and the date it was performed (i.e. Conservation report, October 12, 2023)
Location: Add a link AND the location of the link (i.e. Emory Sharepoint: https://emory.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/sites/EmoryUniversityLibraries/Shared%20Documents/Project%20Management%20Office/EUL%20Projects/01%20Active%20Project/ArchivesSpace%20Phase%20II/02%20Planning%20and%20Execution/01%20Project%20Management%20Artifacts%20%26%20Documents/Planning/ArchivesSpace%20II%20Kickoff%20Presentation%20.pptx?d=w932a777b9132480795005129e6c9f820&csf=1&web=1&e=Z3FdkE )
Do NOT check the check box, which will publish the external document link to the public user interface.