Universal Viewer integration providing content previews and interactions (zoom, pan, rotate, page turning, for common formats: text, images, audio, video)
Download options for files (based on rights/access controls)
Streaming Media and IIIF Support
Streaming delivery of large media filesĀ
IIIF output for digital objects (enabling views and interaction through Universal Viewer, ability to copy code snippets for embedding on other sites)
Complex Digital Object Support
Enforce Curate-supplied access controls to view and download digital content (public, Emory campus, private/dark)
User-facing rights status and usage guidance for digital content
Display of access restriction information
Display of tombstones tombstone records for deleted or decommissioned content
Streaming Media and IIIF Support
Streaming delivery of large media files
IIIF output for digital objects (enabling views and interaction through Universal Viewer, ability to copy code snippets for embedding on other sites)
Citation Building and Export