- Created by Emily Porter , last modified on Dec 15, 2020
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Note: this documentation is still under development; additional sections are forthcoming.
The book import process includes the following steps, some of which will require assistance from the LTDS team:
- Preparation of pull-list spreadsheet with metadata and file paths per volume
- Export of Alma records for all books/serials in the collection
- Preparation of Collection-level metadata spreadsheet
- File transfer of all needed files, using the directory structure recorded in the pull-list filepaths
- Curate bulk import process
Metadata Preparation
Digitized books utilize metadata from two sources: the original pull-list spreadsheet used for digitization reviews as well as Alma catalog records.
The table below lists Pull-list metadata fields/columns which are required for ingest into the repository.
The following are also required in books/serials’ Alma records for ingest into the repository:
- Title
- Date Issued/Date Created
Reformatting Pull-List Spreadsheets for Curate Ingest
The following spreadsheet template shows the required formatting for a Curate-ready pull-list. While the pull-lists prepared during the digitization and review process may vary, the following columns are required for Curate's bulk import method. For information about metadata requirements, see the Cor Metadata Field Usage documentation.
Note: additional metadata will also be extracted from Alma/MARC catalog records; the following fields are recommended for the pull-list itself.
* Required pull-list fields are indicated with an asterisk.
Column Heading | Explanation |
Item ID | A numeric ID for each individual work in the spreadsheet(e.g. the original row number). Recommended for cross-referencing across pull-list versions later. |
source_collection_id | This will be populated by the ingest team once the Collection has been provisioned in Curate. |
Non-unique Title | Indicate "Yes" if the title is known to have multiple copies, editions, or child volumes: this helps the ingest team create parent-child works later. |
deduplication_key* | A unique ID for each individual volume in the collection; typically an ARK or barcode number |
other_identifiers | concatenated list of other local identifiers e.g. barcodes, digwf IDs, OCLC, etc. Identifiers should contain a prefix indicating their type, and multiple values should be separated by pipes |
emory_ark | Emory ARK id, if applicable |
system_of_record_ID* | Alma MMSID |
institution* | Name(s) of institutions providing the material, e.g. Emory University |
holding_repository* | Name of Library providing the material |
administrative_unit | Name of administrative unit within the Library, if applicable |
CSV Call Number | The call number will be supplied from Alma, but it is useful to have this on the pull-list for reference. |
Enumeration | Volume-level enumeration, if applicable (e.g. Volume 1, Copy 1, Edition etc.) |
CSV Title | Title will be supplied from Alma, but it is useful to have this on the pull-list for reference. |
content_type* | Supplied as URI. Recommended value: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/resourceTypes/txt |
emory_rights_statements* | The Emory Libraries supplied rights statement |
internal_rights_note | Additional internal rights notes or documentation |
rights_statement* | Supplied as URI from rights statement.org values, e.g. http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/ |
visibility* | See available access controls (Public, Public Low View, Emory Low Download, Rose High View, Private) |
data_classifications* | Emory defined data classification type: Public, Confidential, Internal, Restricted |
sensitive_material | Indicate "Yes" if the volume contains sensitive material |
sensitive_material_note | Provide additional context for any sensitive material determination |
transfer_engineer | The name of the digitization technician |
date_digitized | The date of digitization for the volume (EDTF format) |
Barcode* | This is used to generate certain volume-level filenames |
Base_Path* | The base directory path where content files are stored on the server |
MBytes* | The overall file size for all content files in the work |
PDF_Path** | The base directory path for volume-level PDF file for the work |
PDF_Cnt** | The count of PDF files to be imported |
OCR_Path** | The base directory path for volume-level OCR file for the work |
OCR_Cnt** | The count of volume-level OCR files to be imported |
Disp_Path* | Directory containing the page level image files (TIFFs) > Primary Content: Preservation Master File |
Disp_Cnt* | The count of page-level image files to be imported |
Txt_Path** | Directory containing the page level plain text files > Primary Content: Transcript File |
Txt_Cnt** | The count of page-level text files to be imported |
POS_Path** | For Kirtas outputs: directory containing the page level POS files > Primary Content: Extracted Text File |
POS_Cnt** | For Kirtas outputs: count of page level POS files to be imported |
ALTO_Path** | For LIMB outputs: directory containing the page level Alto XML files > Primary Content: Extracted Text File |
ALTO_Cnt** | For LIMB outputs: count of page-level ALTO xml files to be imported |
METS_Path** | For LIMB outputs: directory for volume-level METS file to be imported |
METS_Cnt** | For LIMB outputs: count of volume-level METS file to be imported |
Accession.workflow_rights_basis | Rights basis determination (e.g. Public Domain) for digitization |
Accession.workflow_rights_basis_date | Date of rights review (EDTF format) |
Accession.workflow_rights_basis_reviewer | Name of individual or office performing rights review |
Accession.workflow_rights_basis_note | Rights-related notes about digitization/preservation |
Accession.workflow_notes | General notes about digitization/preservation or aquisition |
Ingest.workflow_rights_basis | Rights basis determination (e.g. Public Domain) for digitization/preservation |
Ingest.workflow_rights_basis_date | Date of rights review (EDTF format) |
Ingest.workflow_rights_basis_reviewer | Name of individual or office performing rights review |
Ingest.workflow_rights_basis_note | Rights-related notes about ingest or migration |
Ingest.workflow_notes | General notes about ingest or migration, e.g. Migrated to Cor repository from LSDI Kirtas workflow during Phase 1 Migrations, 2019 |
** Required for import, depending on digitization output.
Filename Conventions for Bulk Import
The Curate bulk-import process is optimized to work with the following filename conventions in use within digitized book collections. If your collection's files use a different convention, please contact LTDS for support.
Volume-Level Files
The Curate book import preprocessor makes the following assumptions:
- Kirtas outputs expect that a filename is supplied in the CSV, using "Output" as the base filename for the volume-level PDF and OCR files:
- Output.pdf
- Output.xml
- LIMB outputs will not have an explicit filename supplied in the CSV, and instead will generate a filename using the barcode number for the volume as the filename for the volume-level PDF and METS files:
- [Barcode#].pdf
- [Barcode#].mets.xml
Page-Level Files
While file naming practices may vary, it is strongly recommended that all filenames contain or end with a numeric part sequence, such as "0001.tif". The Curate book import preprocessor makes the following assumptions about page-level files:
- Kirtas filenames have 4 digits using 0 as padding (0001.tif, 0085.tif, etc. )
- LIMB filenames have 8 digits using 0 as padding (00000001.tif, 00000085.tif, etc.)
Some file sequences start with zero, some with one. This should be identified as part of the collection preparation process.
Works whose filename sequences include an additional prefix such as an OCLC number should also be identified as part of the collection preparation process.
Additional Preparation Steps
It is strongly recommended to sort the pull-list CSV by the title column prior to submitting it for ingest. This helps the repository ingest team to identify multiple editions of the same work as well as parent-child relationships.
If a Collection is being split into multiple pull-lists, please identify whether the Title is known to have other copies, editions, or child volumes so that the repository ingest team can be aware of this in the future. This can be done by indicating "Yes" in the Non-Unique Title column.
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