1. As a repository end-user, I want to discover content stored in the repository by searching or browsing, so that I can learn about materials stored there which may support my research.
What paths do users pursue to locate the repository itself, as well as repository content?
What search preferences do users indicate when presented with a repository searchbox?
What preferences do users indicate for known-item searching (especially for Rose material)?
What browse options do we need to present, in terms of navigation, facets, etc. to support browse behavior?
What integrations with other Emory websites and systems does DLP need to plan for long-term?
2. As a repository end user, I want to preview the details of a repository resource to determine its appropriateness for my research, so that I know whether or not to download/view the material in greater detail.
What does a search result list need to contain?
What does a detailed record view need to contain?
What metadata needs to display in context with an item to contextualize it?
Are there format-specific metadata fields that enhance interaction with different formats?
What kinds of previews/thumbnails do users expect?
3. As a repository end user, I want to view/play/search the actual contents of the material that I discover in the repository, in order to support my research.
For a given format, what viewer or playback options are most critical?
What is user satisfaction with standard viewers/players available in basic Hydra applications such as Sufia?
4. As a repository end user, I want to understand download options that are available for the contents of the material, so that I can determine if I can download the material for my own use.
What are user expectations regarding downloading material they discover in the repository?
How do we communicate to end users any restrictions relating to downloading material?
5. As a repository end user, I want to to be able to cite the material that I find in the repository, so that I provide attribution in my research or share the materials with others.
What metadata needs to be available to properly cite a repository resource?
What rights information should be displayed to guide appropriate reuse?
Do users indicate other needs around sharing references with others?
What functionality do users need to facilitate building citations?
*Loosely based upon FRBR use cases (find, identify, select, obtain) for bibliographic data systems; MODS metadata levels of adoption use cases (five general categories of user functionality)