Content Display
Content Display
The Content Display Functional Requirements Group performed and documented research for the display of content in the repository. The group's original charter is as follows (Note: access controls/restrictions are in the scope of the Repository Management group; technical delivery mechanisms would fall into the Architecture/Technology groups.):
- Perform user research (usability testing, analytics review, survey data)
- Review usability assessment
- Develop personas/profiles for users of content
- Coordinate Emory representation in related Hydra Working Groups/Interest Groups
- Outline search and indexing needs based on user research, usability assessment, and persona development.
- Determine filter, sort, facet, browse and navigation needs based on user research, usability assessment, and persona development.
- Develop specifications for metadata/record display.
- Gather requirements for user interaction with content in order to inform content viewer needs (e.g. video players, page turners, image viewers)
- Coordinate with Library Web & UX Strategy regarding needs for UI design patterns, style guides, section 508 compliance, etc.