Mission and Vision
The Emory Preservation Repository, Cor1, is the technology that curates, preserves, and delivers long-term digital access to unique cultural heritage and scholarship collections from Emory University.
The Emory Preservation Repository
- Enables users to discover and explore digital and digitized collections with ease
- Provides self-service applications and tools for curators, content owners, and content creators to provide enhanced access to unique Emory content via the web
- Integrates with Emory workflows, services, and technologies to streamline the building of shared online collections
- Offers robust preservation of digitized and digital content regardless of format to ensure
long term access well into the future - Leverages open technical standards and community-sourced best practices
The Cor Program team aspires to develop products and services that are
- Aligned - to the larger commitments and missions of the Libraries, LITS, Emory, and Samvera communities
- Shareable - enables interoperability, shared solutions, and shared collections; furthers the greater good of the repository community at large
- Sustainable - achievable with existing resources and skills, supported by knowledge transfer
- Collaborative - fosters and engages internal and external partnerships via regular communications
- Comprehensive - scales to meet the collective needs of the Libraries and Emory University
- Responsive - adapts to changing needs, resources, technologies
- Useful - supports a broad spectrum of user needs; facilitates the creation and preservation of digital collections
- Visible - promotes discovery of and access to unique Emory digital collections and the Program’s processes and services
[1] Latin for “heart”. Inspired by the Emory motto, “The wise heart seeks knowledge”