Design Deliverables and Documents
Design Deliverables and Documents
Emory Libraries Design Assets
Figma Design - From Viget. These were the designs created by Viget in 2018
Figma Design - From Emory Libraries. These were the design assets created by Lauren Hamel to help with moving Viget's designs into Cascade during phase 2 of the 2018 web redesign project.
Changes from Figma/Pattern Library to Acquia/Drupal
What we are calling Gold in Figma (E9BF55) is Brand Yellow Light in Acq
Emory Light for smaller text in Figma (336BE6) is Brand Button Blue in Acq
Emory Blue in Figma (082B73) is Brand Menu Hover in Acq
Emory Mid Blue in FIgma (004990) is Brand Link Hover in Acq
The h1 in pattern library (72px or 4.5rem) is now the Heading 1 XL in the custom headings.
The h1 that is showing in Acq is the h1-alt in the pattern library.
, multiple selections available,