Setting Semester Dates for Bursaring in Alma
Setting Semester Dates for Bursaring in Alma
- We receive a ticket from the Bursar's office (usually from Marlon Dotson) giving us the next semester's dates.
- Go to [alma@vmch-turing bin]$ build_bursar_list.py
- Scroll down until you see this text:
""" SFS defines an academic term based on their own calendar. an SFS academic term is coded as follows: 5YYT , where YY is the last two digits of a year; and T=1 or 5, or 9. 1=spring; 5=summer; (NOTE!!! THIS IS ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO BE A 6!!!) 9=fall. if a transaction date (YYYYMMDD) doesn't have a defined SFS term, the function produces "5999" and it issues an email message to core-services members asking that they contact SFS office to get more SFS academic terms. """
- Add an elif for the upcoming semester.
, multiple selections available,