Testing Shibboleth for Alma

Testing Shibboleth for Alma

To test whether Shibboleth is working properly, go to https://na03.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/mng/login?auth=SAML&idpCode=EMORY SHIB&test_mode=true and log in.

The log should look like this:

→ Test mode log:
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:14.340Z] login test: Replace HTTP with HTTPS
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:14.350Z] login test: redirecting to SAML IdP
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.724Z] login test: returned from IdP
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.733Z] login test: Using [VERSION_2025_NEW] certificate.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.765Z] login test: Using [VERSION_2025_NEW] certificate.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.768Z] login test: SAML - Security Provider: SunRsaSign version 17
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.769Z] login test: SAML - encrypted assertion was found.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.775Z] login test: SAML - assertion decryption succeeded.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.777Z] login test: SAML - assertion ID: _e16fec220f91218d35d9fa4235e09cb1
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.778Z] login test: SAML - validating assertion conditions timestamp:
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.779Z] login test: SAML - current time = 2023-03-21T15:51:19.778Z
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.780Z] login test: SAML - assertion conditions notBefore = 2023-03-21T15:51:19.508Z
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.782Z] login test: SAML - assertion conditions notAfter = 2023-03-21T15:56:19.508Z
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.783Z] login test: SAML - cerificate signature algorithm=[SHA1withRSA]
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.784Z] login test: SAML - public Key created
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.786Z] login test: SAML - signature is valid.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.788Z] login test: SAML - certificate is valid.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.789Z] login test: SAML - found attributes in response:
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.790Z] login test: SAML - uid: lhamlet
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.791Z] login test: SAML - found primary identifier: lhamlet
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.858Z] login test: LoginUser: username 0990751 - Success (SAML authentication)

→ Test mode log:
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:14.340Z] login test: Replace HTTP with HTTPS
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:14.350Z] login test: redirecting to SAML IdP
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.724Z] login test: returned from IdP
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.733Z] login test: Using [VERSION_2025_NEW] certificate.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.765Z] login test: Using [VERSION_2025_NEW] certificate.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.768Z] login test: SAML - Security Provider: SunRsaSign version 17
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.769Z] login test: SAML - encrypted assertion was found.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.775Z] login test: SAML - assertion decryption succeeded.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.777Z] login test: SAML - assertion ID: _e16fec220f91218d35d9fa4235e09cb1
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.778Z] login test: SAML - validating assertion conditions timestamp:
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.779Z] login test: SAML - current time = 2023-03-21T15:51:19.778Z
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.780Z] login test: SAML - assertion conditions notBefore = 2023-03-21T15:51:19.508Z
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.782Z] login test: SAML - assertion conditions notAfter = 2023-03-21T15:56:19.508Z
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.783Z] login test: SAML - cerificate signature algorithm=[SHA1withRSA]
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.784Z] login test: SAML - public Key created
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.786Z] login test: SAML - signature is valid.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.788Z] login test: SAML - certificate is valid.
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.789Z] login test: SAML - found attributes in response:
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.790Z] login test: SAML - uid: lhamlet
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.791Z] login test: SAML - found primary identifier: lhamlet
→ [2023-03-21T10:51:19.858Z] login test: LoginUser: username 0990751 - Success (SAML authentication)