Publishing XML from MMSIDs for DLP
Publishing XML from MMSIDs for DLP
- Create a text file with "MMSID" as a header and your list of MMSIDs.
Example: Set_Example.txt
- Use that file to create a set in Alma
- Update publishing profile "Publish to DLP Repository" to use the set you just created
- Run publishing profile
- Connect to Turing
- Terminal: $ ssh alma@turing.library.emory.edu
- PSFTP: $ open turing.library.emory.edu and log in as alma
- Change to the tmp folder
- $ cd integrations/tmp
- Change your local directory to where you'd like to download the file
- $ lcd [location where you'd like to save the file]
- Download the file
- $ get [file name]
, multiple selections available,