
The Deposit Functional Requirements Group assessed the current state of deposit activities, and gathered requirements for the future state. The group's original charter is as follows:


  • Document current ingest processes
  • Perform user research related to deposit tasks
  • Develop user profiles for depositors
  • Review and assess user research
  • Coordinate with DCSC and Digital Preservation groups regarding scope and format of materials ingested into the repository
  • Gather requirements for self-deposit (submitted by end-users) including:
    • Simple file deposit
    • Batch deposit
    • Large file deposit
    • Complex file deposit
    • Mediated deposit and approval workflows
    • Needs related to versioning an object
  • Gather requirements related to staff deposit including:
    • Simple file deposit
    • Batch deposit
    • Large file deposit
    • Complex file deposit
    • Automated/harvestable deposits
    • Mediated deposits and approval workflows
    • Deposit of post-processed materials (from digitization, born digital, or similar processing workflows)
    • Needs related to versioning an object
  • Coordinate Emory representation in related Hydra Working Groups/Interest Groups