User Profiles

User Profiles

As part of our chartered deliverables, the Content Display group is preparing a series of user profiles to help ground and contextualize the drafting of requirements related to our scope of work. These profiles address end-user search and discovery needs in the future state repository. The Deposit and Repository Management groups are charged with preparing profiles for their respective domains. Once those deliverables complete, DLP will consider these needs holistically to prepare detailed user personas for future phase work. However, this intermediate stage is intended solely to describe broad user groups at a high level.

The segmentation of these profiles is based in large part on the recruitment strategy and demographic information gathered during the user research conducted by the Content Display group. The content of the profiles is informed by that research, as well as consultations with subject matter experts. Thanks to the Content Display members for their contributions, as well as Fran Pici, Melanie Kowalski, Erin Mooney, and others for their additional reviews. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions relating to this draft deliverable, please contact Nik Dragovic.


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