External Identifier Needs

External Identifier Needs

Prepared by: Repository Management FRG

Date: March 2018

Status: Approved


The charter for the Repository Management Functional Requirements Group includes the following deliverable:

  • Gather requirements for external identifier management (e.g. DOIs, ORCIDs, ISNIs)

For the context of this deliverable, an external identifier would be one issued by a service provider external to Emory, such as a DOI or ORCID identifier. The Emory repository will utilize a locally managed service for its own persistent repository identifiers ("pids"). This document focuses on identifiers that are maintained by an external agency.

Related DLP Requirements

External identifiers were discussed in multiple DLP working groups. The following user stories were identified in the Deposit FRG’s requirements gathering:

  1. As an Emory FIRST/OpenEmory Faculty I want my ORCID ID visible in OpenEmory so that this information can be included in the metadata associated with my OE record. 
  2. As a graduate student ETD depositor, I want my ORCID ID stored in Emory ETDs so that this information can be included in the metadata associated with my record.
  3. As a Dataverse depositor, I want to deposit all of my related data and documentation files into a dataset with a DOI for persistent access.

The Metadata Implementation Working Group also identified a number of standard identifiers in its Descriptive metadata specification, as well as noting the need for additional system identifiers to track in its Administrative metadata inventory.

Summary of Requirements

The following requirements were identified by the Management FRG for external identifiers noted as relevant to the DLP repository. Additional detail is provided for each on the page that follows.

Identifier Type



Store and display (do not mint) to end users as feasible 


Mint DOIs for selected repository material only

Store and display existing DOIs relating external material to DLP objects

External Dissemination Service Providers

Store and display to staff in administrative metadata


Emory Libraries do not currently mint ORCID ids for individual depositors using the repository. ORCIDs that already exist are requested to be stored/displayed as metadata for people/profile records. The Scholarly Communications Office notes that it is not good practice to mint ORCIDs on behalf of faculty or students.

The DLP repository will not mint ORCIDs, but will integrate them into metadata and/or for display when feasible, depending upon the amount of Person/authorities information the repository will manage directly.

Hyrax currently enables users to add an ORCID ID to their account profile, but does not mint or generate ORCID IDs for users.


The Odum Dataverse currently mints DOIs for works deposited as part of its deposit process.

Emory Libraries are not currently minting DOIs for other types of material. Prior research was done to investigate minting DOIs for ETDs, but this was not put into production. In 2017, the EZID service was changed to limit usage of the service to customers within the University of California system only. The Emory Libraries' service agreement with EZID was discontinued in 2017. 

Minting DOIs is desired functionality long-term for the DLP repository. The Management FRG  recommends assessing the urgency for minting DOIs for self-deposited content such as ETDs, research data sets, or selected OpenEmory material when those materials are slated to migrate into DLP. DOIs will also be utilized in Descriptive Metadata as one of several standard identifiers already identified to relate DLP repository objects to external material which already has a DOI assigned (e.g. relating the pre-print version of an article in OpenEmory to its final published version). 

The Repository Management FRG also recommends monitoring the outcomes of the Samvera EZID to DataCite DOI Working Group, formed in response to the change in the EZID service. This group's focus is "building technology support into core Samvera gems, frameworks, and applications to support utilizing DataCite for DOI creation".

External Dissemination Service IDs

As the DLP repository begins to disseminate content or metadata to external repository services such as DPN and HathiTrust, we need to track any identifiers assigned by those services. This can be accommodated by recording this in administrative metadata within the DLP repository. 

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