Campus Staff Submitter
Campus Staff Submitter
Prepared by: Deposit FRG
Last Revised: March 2018
Status: Final Draft
Approved by:
Repository Management Relationship: Subset of Self-Depositor
Demographics / User Characteristics
- May be administrative staff, administrator, faculty, or student
- May hold any staff role within University or Healthcare
- Is a content steward, but not necessarily a content creator
- May work with a proxy or Library Deposit Supervisor to submit material
Frequency and Type of Repository Deposit Use
- Regularly to rarely
- Could vary based on submitting office/program/group
- Self-Deposit
General Motivators / Goals
- Ensure preservation of University intellectual output and archival assets
- Fulfill retention requirements
Key Deposit Tasks
- Describe records/publication
- Deposit records/publication
- Identify relevant retention schedule
- Obtain a stable link to records/publication
Repository Content / Information Desired
- Information on prior deposits from office/program/group for reference
- Notification/receipt of successful submission
- Guidance on performing a successful deposit (workflow and digital preservation)
- Analytics / metrics of deposited works’ usage
Repository Content / Information Deposited
- Textual information (MS Office formats, PDF)
- Digital images, audio, and visual formats
- Regular if infrequent need for data and other complex objects
Library/Unit Interactions
- Campus Staff Submitter may be affiliated with any University or Healthcare office; works with special collections staff across campus libraries (Rose, WHSCL, Oxford, Pitts, Law)