Faculty/Researcher Submitter
Faculty/Researcher Submitter
Prepared by: Deposit FRG
Last Revised: March 2018
Status: Final Draft
Approved by:
Repository Management Relationship: Subset of Self-Depositor
Demographics / User Characteristics
- May be faculty, adjunct faculty, visiting scholar, clinician, post-doc, medical fellow, etc.
- May be affiliated with any academic or research discipline
- Is the content creator, but may rely on proxy depositors to interact with the repository
- Potentially works with Library Deposit Supervisor to complete deposit
Frequency and Type of Repository Deposit Use
- Varies by discipline - currently, sciences more than humanities (may change in future state)
- Varies by submitter - some self-deposit, some depend on proxy
- Self-Deposit
General Motivators / Goals
- Enhance Emory FIRST faculty profile, potentially for tenure review and promotion consideration
- Share their scholarship with the campus and wider academic community
- Fulfill funding/grant requirements
Key Deposit Tasks
- Describe scholarly works and/or research data
- Upload scholarly works and/or research data
- Set and maintain embargo / access privileges
- Obtain a stable link to records/publications
- Resuming a deposit that began in a prior session
- Link records/publications to related datasets in external data repositories
Repository Content / Information Desired
- Information on prior personal deposits for reference
- Information on prior departmental/colleague deposits for reference
- Notification/receipt of successful submission
- Notification of edits made by repository administrators
- Analytics/metrics of deposited works’ usage
- Guidance on performing a successful deposit (workflow and digital preservation)
Type of Material Deposited
- Textual information (PDF, MS Office formats) - often the primary content
- Still images, audio, video - regular and increasing
- Research data - infrequent, but increase expected. Sometimes accompanying publication, sometimes standalone
- Other/complex objects - rare, but increase anticipated
Library/Unit Interactions
- Faculty/Researcher Submitter utilizes services from one or more libraries, but typically interacts with Scholarly Communications Office for deposit.